
Showing posts from August, 2021

Summer '21 Round-Up

DISCLAIMER: I started writing this as my June round-up and then commenced the busiest, most chaotic summer of my life and I never got round to finishing it (ironic considering what I wrote in the intro). Here instead is my summer '21 round up! Firstly, apologies for my long absence. I started this blog back around Christmas as I was bored to tears in lockdown and felt like I needed something to focus my energies on. Unfortunately, I forgot that university is all-consuming and once I started term again I didn't have much time to write. Now I've finished first year and have a good few months off for summer, I'm hoping to start up writing again - of course with the aim to share great music and my favourite upcoming artists, but also to get in some practice for the music journalism module I'm taking next year! The last year has undoubtedly been one of the most challenging and disheartening periods for musicians in my living memory. The uncertainty of a precarious summer...